
"Time" is a message from Stan Scroggins.

The Good Life - A Life on Snooze

Proverbs 6:1-11

A Life on Snooze is a part of "The Good Life" series on the book of Proverbs. Proverbs deals a lot with laziness. Not only do we talk through laziness, we also deal with the root issue and consequences of laziness. Ultimately, Jesus is the remedy to a lazy person.

The Good Life - Wisdom's Value of Humanity

The Good Life - Wisdom's Value of Humanity

Proverbs 1:8-19

The Good Life means that we value humanity over things and if we value people, we value doing life with people. It also means that we value all lives, because the cross of Christ levels all humanity on our knees, while lifting us equally to himself. 

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The Good Life - Wisdom

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The Good Life - The Book of Proverbs
Wisdom - Probers 1:1-7
We begin a series on the book of Proverbs called, The Good Life. Proverbs shows us what a good life looks like when we do things God's way and when we fear Him.